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Fishers Youth Assistance Program has several opportunities for community members to volunteer for the organization. Following are our major programs that seek assistance from volunteers:

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Summer Meals Program

We would be unable to feed the hundreds of children in HSE Schools that sign-up for this program without the efforts of our volunteers that help throughout the summer. The need for this program will still be there each summer, as will our need for volunteers to make it run smoothly. The time commitment for this is as little as a few hours one day of the summer, but many find that they want to come back every week to assist with this wonderful program.


New for 2023

We are feeding over 700 children each week during our Summer Meals Program and YOU can help! We need volunteers to help each week and there are multiple shifts to choose from. Signup on our SUMMER MEALS VOLUNTEER page.

If you have questions, email us at

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Anchor Tutoring

The Anchor Tutoring Program provides tutoring & mentoring by high school seniors to elementary students recommended by school counselors and teachers. The tutoring takes place during designated flex time at school. For interested adults, we have a Community Anchors program where we pair adult volunteers in one-on-one sessions with elementary students to provide academic enrichment in the areas of reading and math.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Snack Attack

The Fishers Youth Assistance Snack Attack program provides weekend nourishment for students in need. Each week, we bag over 2,400 snacks for over 350 kids in the Fishers community. You can help support this wonderful program with your time and donations. Sign-up to help pack bags or host a drive to collect items from our snack list.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Holiday Helpers

The holiday season should be a time of joy, happiness, and celebration. However, for families that are struggling with health issues, finances, or other stresses, this time of year can feel overwhelming. We are looking to partner with those in our community who would be willing to "adopt" a child or family in need in order to make their holiday a little happier this year. You will receive a needs & wishes list from the children you are helping.